Saturday, October 2, 2010

Limestone Specifications

Note:  The following specifications were provided by Texas Quarries.

Limestone Specifications

  1. Work Included. The work under this contract shall include all labor and material for the furnishing of cut Texas Limestone in accordance with the drawings and as hereinafter specified.

  2. Description of Stone. All limestone specified or shown on drawings shall be limestone as produced by Texas Quarries (address below), from the Armadillo Quarry (Cordova Cream or Shell limestone) or the Webb Quarry (Lueders limestone). The stone shall be #1 grade, (specify) color, (specify) finish.

  3. Samples. The stone supplier shall submit three (3) samples, 12" x 12", for approval by the architect. The samples shall be typical of the minimum, average and maximum range of color, texture and finish, and shall match Texas Quarries sample on file in the landscape architect's office.

  4. Cutting and Setting Drawings. The cut stone supplier shall prepare and submit to the architect, for approval, complete cutting and setting drawings for all the limestone work under this contract. Such drawings shall show in detail the sizes, sections and dimensions of stone, the arrangement of joints and bonding, anchoring and other necessary details. If the contract drawings do not show the intent of the jointing, it will be the stone fabricator's responsibility to establish the jointing in accordance with industry standards. The contractor shall furnish all field dimensions necessary for fabrication. These drawings shall be based upon and follow the drawings and full-size details prepared by the architect except where it is agreed in writing that changes be made. Each stone indicated on these drawings shall bear the corresponding number marked on an unexposed surface with a non-staining paint.

    Projecting courses shall have beds in the wall at least 1" greater in depth than the projection, or be specially anchored to the structure as shown on setting drawings.

    Provision for the proper anchoring, dowelling, and cramping of work in keeping with standard practices, also for the support of stone by shelf angles and loose steel, etc., for the support of stone by shelf angles and loose steel, etc., when required, shall be clearly indicated on the setting drawings.

  5. Carving and Models (if applicable). All work shall be done in a proper and artistic manner by skilled carvers, in accordance with the architect's sketches, or from models furnished or approved by the architect.

  6. Cutting. All stone shall be cut accurately to shape and dimensions with jointing as shown on approved drawings. All exposed faces shall be cut true with bed and joints dressed straight and square, unless otherwise shown. All arrises shall be sharp and true. Except where required and noted on the drawings joints shall have a uniform thickness of 3/8".

    Reglets for flashing, etc., shall be cut into the stone where so indicated on the drawings.
    Molded work shall be carefully executed from full-size detail supplied by the architect.
    Repair of stone is an accepted practice and will be permitted. The criteria for acceptance of chips and repairs will be per the standard practice of the industry.

  7. Back Checking & Fitting to Structural Frame. Stone coming in contact with structural work shall be back checked as indicated on the general drawings. Stone resting on structural work shall have beds shaped to fit the supports.

    Where stone facing adjoins columns and spandrel beams the depth of stone shall be such that will allow not less than 1" of clearance between the stone and structural members. The general contractor shall furnish necessary field dimensions where required.

  8. Anchors and Lewis Holes. Holes and sinkages shall be cut in stones for all anchors, cramps, dowels and other tie-backs as indicated on the approved shop drawings. All stone that cannot be handled with belts, clamps or other lifting devices shall be provided with lewis holes. Lewis holes in stones under 4" thick is not recommended. Lifting of stone with lewis pin shall be in the same plane as holes are drilled.

  9. Cutting and Drilling for Other Trades. All cutting and drilling of stone required by other trades will be done in the cut stone fabricator plant only when necessary information is furnished in time to be detailed on shop drawings, and when work can be executed before shipment. Job site cutting and fitting will be the responsibility of the general contractor.

  10. Loading and Shipment. The fabricated stone shall be carefully packed for shipment, free from stains, and other deleterious materials. Carrier will exercise customary precautions against damage in transit.
    Shipment will be made in sequence providing adequate written notice of setting schedule is received by the stone supplier in ample time.

  11. Unloading and Storage at Job Site. All stone shall be received and unloaded at the job site by the contractor, and shall take all necessary care in handling to avoid damaging or soiling. Use only two skids per stone, placed one-fourth (1/4) of the length of the stone from each end.

    Stone shall be stored clear of the ground on non-staining skids. Chemically treated wood should not be used.

    Stone shall be covered to protect against disfiguring elements.

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