Friday, November 12, 2010

Pueblo Style Plant Palette

The Pueblo landscape style relies on native and natural-looking plants.  Plant groupings are natural and informal with contrast between foliage and form. 

Trees (Botanical Name - Common Name)
Acacia smallii - Desert Wattle
Acacia stenophylla - Shoestring Acacia
Carnegiea gigantea - Saguaro cactus
Cercidium spp. - Palo Verde
Chilopsis linearis - Desert Willow
Cotinus sp. - Smoke Tree
Geijera parvifolia - Australian Willow
Lagerstroemia indica - Crape Myrtle
Lysiloma microphylla - Fern-of-the-Desert
Olea europaea - Olive tree
Olneya tesota - Desert Ironwood
Parkinsonia aculeata - Jerusalem Thorn
Phoenix dactylifera - Date Palm
Prosopis spp. - Mesquite
Rhus lancea - African Sumac
Washingtonia robusta - Mexican Fan Palm
Yucca brevifolia - Joshua Tree

Acacia spp. - Wattle
Agave americana - Century Plant
Aloe sp. - Aloe
Atriplex sp. - Salt Bush
Caesalpinia mexicana - Desert Bird of Paradise
Calliandra californica - Baja Fairy Duster
Cassia artemisioides - Senna
Dalea sp. - Indigo Bush
Dasylirion wheeleri - Desert Spoon
Echinocactus sp. - Barrel Cactus
Encilia farinosa - Brittle Brush
Foquieria splendens - Ocotillo
Hesperaloe parviflora - Red Yucca
Kniphofia uvara - Red Hot Poker
Leucophyllum frutescens - Texas Ranger
Opuntia spp. - Prickly Pear
Salvia spp. - Sage
Stenocereus thurberi - Organpipe Cactus
Yucca spp. - Yucca

Vines and Espaliers
Bougainvillea sp. - Bougainvillea
Macfadyena ungis-cati - Cats Claw Vine

Penstemon spp. - Beardtongue
Verbena spp. - Verbena

Many of the plants listed here were inspired by a list published in Landscape Design for Architectural Style Volume 2 by Scott Bradstreet.  The plants listed are appropriate for the semi-arid to arid western United States and California. 

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